Minneapolis Spring Trunk Show

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Open House | 9 am – 4 pm

Join us for a first look at the new spring collections of fabric, trimming, wallcovering, drapery hardware, window coverings and the first ever collection of textural flat weave and luxurious hand tufted rugs from Romo and Villa Nova.

KDR Designer Showrooms
275 Market Street, Suite 408 | Minneapolis MN 55405

To attend, kindly RSVP to diannas@kdrshowrooms.com

Hosted by:
Dianna Sether, KDR Residential & Contract Sales Representative

Register Now

Collections presented by Dianna Sether:
Edelman Leather, Etamine, Jane Churchill, Mark Alexander, Romo, (NEW) Romo Rugs, Travers, Villa Nova, (NEW) Villa Nova Rugs, Zimmer + Rohde, Norbar, Samuel & Sons, Omexco, Select Drapery Hardware, Comfortex

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Access Showroom Team Directory for direct-dial contact info.
Register for our annual Fall Market!